About me

Hello! My name is Brenda. I hail from a state full of country music, float trips, and way more camo then we need. I am a full time photographer/wife, part time student, and a member of The Pure Life team. Whew that made me tired just typing it! I live in the small town of Fayette, MO where I met my husband who is a strength and conditioning coach at the local collage Central Methodist University. My husband and I got married on June 2, 2012 and haven’t looked back since.

My husband is my biggest cheer leader and supporter. We are both very involved in our careers so our time together is very limited. The time we do get to spend together is usually full of laugh, food, sports, and during hunting season camo. This is my life as I strive for a healthier lifestyle, take my businesses to the next level, and keep my husband on his toes.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy and visit often!

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