Bucket list

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I was sitting on the couch the other night and my husband and I were talking about all of the things that we would like to do someday. As I was telling him some things that I have always wanted to do, I realized I have accomplished some and some are no longer accomplishable. Being the visual person I am I ran and got my notepad and starting writing down; now I want to share with all of you. I personally feel that anything is possible and even though some of my goals are might be a tad extreme working hard to get something and then finally getting it is sometimes more rewarding then the goal itself. 

Bucket List

See a whale in the wild
Meet Ellen DeGeneres
Travel to Australia 
Go skydiving 
See Michael Jackson in person :(
Own my own business
Own a motorcycle and be able to drive it 
Be on the Price is Right
Complete the Tough Mudder 
Help a stranger in a big way
Go visit the place in DC my Grandpa loved to go
Live to see a cure for MS
Be a mom 
Walk on Rodeo Dr
Go see ground zero
Release a Chinese Lantern 
Have a full six pack 
See Usher in concert
Take a cooking class
Eat italian in Italy
Go to a red carpet event 
Release a letter in a bottle 
Own a farm
Watch the Cardinals in a world series game
Go to a Victorias Secrets Fashion show 
Ride horses on a beach 
Learn to surf 
Stay in an over water bungalow 
Take a hiphop class 


1 comment:

  1. Brenda,

    It is funny your blog is about a bucket list. A coworker and I were sitting around at lunch one day talking about our bucket lists and it made me start to do exactly what you did. I spent a couple of lunch hours creating a bucket list of my own. I only hope that someday I will get to mark a few of them off my list.



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